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I2P3 + RSC Innovation Challenge Track Webinar

NextCycle Michigan: I2P3 + RSC Innovation Challenge Tracks

Recycling and composting systems need innovative development and growth to transform Michigan from a linear use/disposal model toward a circular economy. NextCycle Michigan is designed to foster material recovery, re-use, diversion, processing, and product design ideas from rising entrepreneurs, start-ups, businesses, and communities - accelerating ideas to shovel-ready and investable projects.

The Intergovernmental Initiatives & Public-Private Partnerships (I2P3) Challenge Track is seeking local governments that have public, NGO, or private partners with projects that support circular and low carbon economy goals.

The Recycling Supply Chains (RSC) Challenge Track is seeking teams to develop projects that focus on the development of physical recycling supply chain infrastructure through hub-and-spoke systems, logistics, processing, or material end markets.

The Teams that are selected to participate in each track will receive support and workshops to develop their project plan, access to experts and data, as well as matchmaking with partners and funders.

Join us for a 45-minute session to learn about the I2P3 + RSC Innovation Challenge Tracks. Hear about how the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) is driving the initiative. Learn about the types of projects being sought, the application process, eligibility criteria, and deadlines. And bring your questions for the round table portion to drill into more details.

• Matt Flechter, EGLE
• Bryce Hesterman, RRS
• Matt Naud, RRS
• Kerrin O'Brien, Michigan Recycling Coalition


September 23

Michigan Municipal League Convention

October 28

MRC Annual Conference