Michigan Gap Analysis
Solutions that help reach shared goals
Whether scaling a known solution to a new community or developing a new model utilizing best practices, there are a variety of ways to address known gaps in Michigan’s recycling supply chain, including the communities reached. Learning about both where there are areas of opportunity are and best practices are the first steps of accelerating solutions in Michigan. Data visualizations, resources, and reports on Michigan gaps can help reveal opportunities.
Improve Access
Ensure Michiganders have the Right to Recycle through equitable and inclusive programs.
No Material Left Behind
Explore how any ‘waste’ material could be used and be profitable.
Keep value in Our Communities
Benefit from the economic impacts of local circular economies.
Policy Change
Implement best practices with leadership from local decision makers.
NextCycle Michigan Gap Analysis
Data collected from across the State helps inform where opportunities exist and reveal where solutions can have the largest impact.
We have assembled various tools, reports, graphics and links to help develop and scale solutions to strengthen Michigan’s circular economy.
Visit these pages to explore additional resources.
Searchable repository of reports and links to additional resources.
Maps of Michigan’s MRFs, drop-off centers, organic waste facilities, end markets and project investments.
Information on NextCycle Michigan-partnered grant and technical support programs.