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Michigan Healthy Climate Conference

  • Huntington Place 1 Washington Blvd Detroit, MI 48226 (map)

EGLE is hosting this one-and-a-half-day MI Healthy Climate Conference to report on the progress of the MI Healthy Climate Plan, build connections and empower collaboration, leverage resources and mobilize opportunities, and prioritize our next steps towards reaching the goals of the Plan. This conference is expected to draw more than 800 attendees from local, state, federal, and tribal governments, universities, nonprofits, community groups, and businesses.

Under the theme "Road to 2030," speakers will share about their success stories, challenges, funding opportunities, technical assistance, and other actions they are taking in the six priority areas of the Plan:

1.    Commit to environmental justice and pursue a just transition 
2.    Clean the electric grid 
3.    Electrify vehicles and increase public transit
4.    Repair and decarbonize homes and businesses 
5.    Drive clean innovation in industry 
6.    Protect Michigan’s land and water 

Be sure to stop by the Nextcycle Michigan sponsor table!

Learn more at

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