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MRC Count Down to Recycling Virtual Conference

Session: NextCycle Michigan - Bridging Recycling Gaps Through Partnership and Innovation

Michigan is looking for big ideas in material reuse, recovery, and recycling to help grow the state’s recycled materials supply chains and end markets. NextCycle Michigan is a first of its kind initiative from the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) that leverages public and private technical assistance and investment in Michigan’s recycling and waste recovery system. The goal of this accelerator program is to advance ideas into shovel-ready ventures that allow for materials once destined for landfill to instead re-circulate in Michigan’s economy. Join this interactive session to explore gaps and potential projects with colleagues and learn about upcoming opportunities to participate in this program through the following challenge tracks:

FLOWS: projects to transform any aspect of organics recovery, from food, wood, and other organic material recovery and collection to new end markets.
RSC: projects that focus on the development of physical recycling supply chain infrastructure through hub and spoke systems, logistics, processing, or material end market innovations.
I2P3: teams to form public-private partnerships and regional collaborations that grow regional circular economies.
MICROS: small-scale funding for innovative solutions for the collection, processing, minimizing, reusing, or recycling of Michigan’s waste materials.
RIT: teams that are creating novel material recovery and sorting technologies, recycled product designs, waste minimization techniques, new uses for recycled or organic materials, or other innovations in sustainable materials management.
ROADS: projects that focus on using recycled content such as glass, asphalt shingles, tires, organics, or other materials in improve roads and pathways.


Matt Flechter, Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, & Energy
Bryce Hesterman, RRS
Meghan Wiebe, RRS

FREE Registration HERE

April 22

MRC Count Down to Recycling Virtual Conference

April 30

FLOWS Innovation Challenge Track Open!