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MRC Count Down to Recycling Virtual Conference

Session: Developing a Fundable Project

Many grant proposals are denied, not just for a simple lack of attention to detail but because the proposal hasn’t been fully cooked. Michigan’s Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) has ongoing funding available for recycling projects and wants nothing more than to see you succeed at putting recycling infrastructure in place to deliver high quality materials to market. Join this session to understand the components of a successful grant application/ funding proposal. Learn how to communicate your big idea through an outcome-oriented proposal. Avoid the common errors and omissions that could disqualify your application. Understand the role and importance of outreach and engagement plans for any project. Learn how to demonstrate the collective impact of your project by partnering with other organizations with similar goals. Get an inside look at the EGLE grant-making process and explore the many ways you can meet the match requirement. Understand how project funding can be leveraged to attract additional investment.


Josh Gunn, Michigan State University Extension
Matt Flechter, Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, & Energy
Jim Frey, RRS

FREE Registration HERE

April 20

MRC Count Down to Recycling Virtual Conference

April 22

MRC Count Down to Recycling Virtual Conference