Cocoa Corporation | Holland, MI

Composting Medium Density Fiberboard with Food Waste

FLOWS 2021 Showcase People’s Choice Award Winner

Cocoa Corporation was seeking to expand its composting operations in West Michigan by incorporating Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) generated by Michigan furniture manufacturers into its composting process. During the track, Cocoa received successful test results from a technology partner that demonstrated the removal of over 99% of the MDF laminate, which would otherwise contaminate the end product. With support of NextCycle mentors and coaches, Cocoa made the decision to begin looking for a new 30-acre site to develop with a front-end pre-processing system like the one that was tested. Following coaching on its pitch Cocoa Corporation CEO Adam Brent won the people’s choice award at the FLOWS Showcase.


Seeds | Traverse City, MI


Wormies | Grand Rapids, MI